Saturday, November 1, 2014

Differences between the 1st child and 2nd child already!

      I was thinking back on the differences between my 1st pregnancy and my 2nd pregnancy  the other day. I realized there are already several things I've noticed to be different.
       Pregnancy wise, my OB hit the nail on the head when he said, "the first pregnancy is usually easier than the second one." My first time, I didn't have any complications at all. This time around, well you all know already... It's been a complete different tale. I have noticed, I feel like I am already starting to show some (earlier) with this baby. I do think I can already feel the baby move occasionally too. It's not the constant feeling you experience during the end of your pregnancy. This is much sooner than with my first pregnancy; I don't remember feeling Braeden's movements until about 22 or 23 weeks along.
      Excitement wise, we and family are just a excited about the 2nd baby as much as we were for Braeden. I have noticed though, I am not spending every waking moment of my day trying to find a name for this baby or planning the nursery, like I did when I was pregnant with Braeden. I think I've grown a little smarter. I realized that extra stress is not needed, yet. We are lucky to already have a name for a girl picked out already (we had that ready to go with the 1st pregnancy too, and then, I found out I had a boy... another story for another day!). I plan to wait until we know the gender before I begin that journey of stressing and planning. I have been making mental notes of things we definitely need to invest in before this baby comes that I had no clue about when I was pregnant with Braeden. Things like: better breast pump, my favorite diaper brand (Luvs), keeping a better schedule, etc.
        I have been told by several people that with each child, delivery seems to get easier. I hope that is true. I look forward to seeing how this baby's character is different or similar. I hope to do things a little differently this time around, now that we are more experienced with this parenting thing.

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