Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pregnancy update.... 17 weeks

      I just wanted to do a quick little update on my pregnancy so far. I've reached the 17 week mark (will be 18 weeks on Monday). All my apps tell me the baby's is now developing their soft cartilage into bone, that it weighs about 5 oz, and measures around 5 inches. I can definitely feel movement now (much sooner than I did with Braeden). I also feel my stomach is starting to actually look pregnant.
       Normally, the nausea phase is over with the first trimester. Lucky for me, my doctor said I fall into the 10% of women that experience nausea past the second trimester. Thankfully, it is rare if I actually have vomiting associated with my nausea. I have also been having terrible migraines on top of all this. My OB thinks its correlated to my nausea. So, he's started me on a different regimen of nausea medicine. We are all hoping it helps tremendously.
        In the most recent few days, I've had bad pressure in my lower abdomen, which has made walking difficult. Along with, back pain and back spasms, it can be hard to crawl out of bed in the morning. I now find myself waddling around like a 9 month pregnant woman. The doctor said it is normal to experience this during pregnancy, even at this stage, and he said there is not much you can do for it. So, if any of you other pregnant women out there are experiencing this, it's fairly normal, but if you have any concerns, call your doctor.
      On positive note, we are looking forward to finding out the gender in a few weeks. Especially since we have decided to postpone major planning until we know the gender. I'm sure in about a month or two, I will be stressing about getting everything ready for the baby. For now, I just want to enjoy this pregnancy for the blessing it truly is.

                                                           Image from:

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