Tuesday, November 18, 2014

House Cleaning Tips.... From a Mom with a Toddler

    Let me preface this with, my house is not perfectly spotless. I work and have a 2 year old son. There are days, especially now that I'm pregnant, that I do not feel like doing a run though. So, I do not want anyone to think you have to always keep a perfect house-The Lord knows I don't. I just wanted to give you a few tips I have picked up over the years that may help you not feel so overwhelmed when you clean.

     Here's a Quick list of what to do in every room:
      -Pick up trash
      -Pick up dishes
      -Pick up toys or other items in the floor
      -Clear off counters or other surfaces
      -Wipe off counter or other surfaces
      -Sweep and vacuum
                -Mop, if time allows

In a little more detail:

     The first thing I always do, is grab a bag (I can judge by looking around the house if a grocery bag will suffice or if I should just opt for a garbage bag) and pick up trash: paper, disposable cups, paper plates, etc. When that is complete, you have essentially prepped your house for vacuuming or sweeping, but it is not time for that yet.
      Next I run though each room and pick up any dishes that need to be cleaned. I can always find a cup or two on the nightstands in my bedroom. I, also, try to remember to check under Braeden's bed or the couch for sippy cups that could have rolled under there. If you forget them, in a few days, they will let you know. If it's just a couple of cups or plates, I will really quickly just knock those out of the way so I don't have to worry about dishes later. If there are still some more dishes that need to be done (maybe from dinner last night), then I will place the dishes I gathered around the house in the sink to be cleaned later.
     The next room I focus on is the living room, mainly because that's the first room people see in my house and the room we spend the most time in. I will do a quick run though the room and pick up any toys Braeden left in the floor. I have a box in the corner of the room that I can put them in. Once I'm done with that, I just do a quick vacuum/sweep though the room (we have a rug over our hardwood floors). If I'm pressed for time, like a visitor will be at my house in a few minutes, then I'm finished with the living room. If I have the time to do a little deeper cleaning, then I will mop the floor and clean the mirrors.
      I tend to go with the flow of my house when I clean, meaning the next room for me is Braeden's room and the bathroom. I mostly will just make sure all toys are up in his room and do a quick sweep though. Then, in the bathroom make sure the toilet is clean. Next, I make sure the sink looks good. Then, I wipe down the mirror. If I am doing a deep clean that day, I, then, clean the bathtub. Then, sweep and mop the floor. Then I repeat the process in the dining room and kitchen...doing all the dishes in the meantime.
     If I have company coming over, I do not focus on my bedroom. If I am cleaning the house that day, then I will repeat the same process but include putting up laundry in the mix.

Let me make it clear.... It just about always happens... I will run though the house cleaning, and by the time I'm finished, the first room doesn't look like I cleaned at all because my sweet little toddler decided to play with all of his toys in there. I no longer let it bother me, unless there's company coming over. Usually, even then, I don't let it get to me. I just quickly try to pick up what I can, and let the person know my toddler decorated  the room for them.

I've come to realize, everyone not only understand, but they really don't care. They just prefer your company more than anything else.

                                                    Image from: northlandhomecleaning.com

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