Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving's around the corner....

    My hubby pointed out that I did exactly what I was harping about in my last post... I pushed Thanksgiving out of the picture and skipped on to Christmas. Good catch hubby! I'd like to make sure I give Thanksgiving the credit it is due...
    History lesson time: I know all of us know about Thanksgiving, but I feel that we are quick to think of only the food, football, parades, and "Black Friday". With a little research on we learn that when the Plymouth colonists gathered with the Wampanoag Indians for their harvest feast in 1621, it was a momentous accomplishment. Not only is it considered the 1st recorded Thanksgiving ever, but it was also a huge step in these two different group of people working together for a common goal. If we all think back to our 3rd grade history class, things started off with a very rocky beginning for the colonists. Many of them did not make it to the 1st Spring due to the weather exposure and illnesses. Over the next year, the American Indians taught the colonists how to farm. That November, they all gathered for what is considered the 1st Thanksgiving. Most people don't realized that our traditional turkey dinner was not what was served at the 1st Thanksgiving- Lobster, seals, and swan were the main protein. It wasn't until 1863, over 240 years, that is was deemed at National Holiday by Abraham Lincoln.
      Fast forward to today, our typical Thanksgiving consists of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, NFL football game, turkey and a ton of food. We forget mostly about the fact that it's a day of gathering with family and friends, just at the colonist and American Indian first gathered. We may or may not remember that is really should be a day of Thanks Giving. My family has a ton of Thanksgiving traditions, but one of my favorites is that we go around the kitchen table and say one thing we are thankful for... Most of us says family, but it's a great and easy way to incorporate what the day is actually about.
     Let me run down the list of our Thanksgiving Day traditions. I'd also like to hear from you all about some things you do or eat on Thanksgiving. Our normal day starts when ever we wake up from sleeping in. With Braeden, that's no later than 10am. I quickly remember that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is on. I get up, turn that on, make coffee, and sit down to watch the parade. Once that is over, the Westminster Dog show is on, and I leave that on while I get ready for the day. Usually, we have lunch over at Paul's parents house and then dinner over at my parents house.  We end up overly fed, and most of the time feel miserable we end up so full. At both homes, we have the traditional fixin's of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, and gravy. There are always a few extra things thrown in as variables, and who knows what all we may have for dessert-usually pies of all sorts. My parents usually put their Christmas tree up at some point during the day. While we are over at my parents house, we usually all get together and play a game of Clue-losers clean up. Then, we cap off the night with the family's favorite Christmas movie to officially kick off the Christmas season- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. By this point, we are all stuffed and tired. My small little family heads home for a slumber that is usually the best all year, probably because of all the turkey (and usually wine-not this year for me). Well, there's my typical Thanksgiving day.... I'd like to hear about yours....

I hope I've done a decent job of giving Thanksgiving the credit it is due... :)

                                                     Image from:

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