Monday, November 3, 2014

I feel like it's "Groundhog Day!"

       Well, I got up this morning and started my normal routien. I had not gotten Braeden out of bed yet because I wanted to let him sleep in just a little. As I was scrolling though Facebook on my phone, I looked up at the clock on the TV... It said 6:58 not 7:58 like I thought it was! We apparently changed all the clocks in the house but our alarm clock! I decided I would take this time and get somethings done on the computer... Like... My friend, Brittany, and I, just opened an Etsy account: ... There will be so many more items to come on there... We are working on several Christmas gift ideas. We are excited to finally get our stuff we make out there for others to enjoy. With this early and wonderful quiet time, I was also able to blog. Braeden won't let me have the computer open on my lap. The second he sees it, he closes it. I hoping, tomorrow, I finally won't be waking up an hour earlier than planned.

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