Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day off or a day of appointments...

     Today (Tuesday, November 4th), I was privileged to have the day off from work. It wasn't much of a day off though. My day started at the same time it normally does... 7:30am. I got up, showered, and got the family ready for all our doctor appointments today.
      My appointment was 1st, at 10:30. I had a check up with my OB today. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat on the "radar thing" they use. The doctor said all my measurements line up to exactly where I should be. We scheduled the 20 week anatomy appointment for December 3rd. We are thoroughly excited to find out the gender of the baby. Like I said before, we are planning on having a gender reveal party. That will most likely be on December 6th.
      After my appointment, we had just enough time to eat lunch and make it to Braeden's 2 year check up. His doctor said everything looks great with him, and he's right on track with his development.
      By 4:00, I was exhausted. Since we were in the part of town not too far away from the mall, we made a stop there. I picked up some maternity clothes. My normal pants are starting to get a little sung. I had one full day on my plate. I am so blessed and thankful for it, though. It wasn't much of an actual day off, but it's my wonderful, busy life.

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