Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2nd Trimester!!!

    Well, let me be real with you for a few minutes. I am thrilled to be in my second trimester. Probably 2 days after my post about being 11 weeks, I started spotting. I called my OB, and he suggested I go to the ER to make sure every thing looks fine. After a complete melt down thinking of the possibilities I could be facing... and well 7 hours later, they determined it was essentially implantional bleeding. The radiologist said that it looked as if there was a little bleeding where the placenta did not fully attach at one corner. He advised that it did not appear that they placenta would become completely detached, and that everything seemed to be perfect, other than the spotting. I had a follow up appointment with my OB a few days later, and he said that at this point in the pregnancy there would either be a heartbeat or not. Luckily, there is and it's a strong heartbeat. -For all you wives tale believers, the heartbeat has been around 150, which would say Girl.... But my son's heartbeat was always high like that too. -
     Due to that scare, I'm considered a "threatened miscarriage" until I reach 20 weeks, but my OB stressed that everything looks completely fine. Now, that I'm past the 13 week mark, the likelihood of a miscarriage is highly unlikely. I am currently at 15 weeks, and fully into my 2nd trimester. All of my apps on my phone suggest that my sickness should be subsiding,my energy levels should be increasing, and libido levels should be going up (for most women). Apparently, I'm not "most women." My mother suggested that I'm still so exhausted because I'm still chasing after a 2 year old, which seems like a solid hypothesis. I have yet to feel my libido levels spike either. I am still facing the random spell of "morning" sickness, which my be the result of me not feeling like being intimate. I am sure plenty of women do feel all these positive things when they reach their second trimester... I know I did with my 1st pregnancy. They say every pregnancy is different, I am here to say, AMEN to that statement.
    Our next big step in this pregnancy.... Finding out the baby's gender. Any yes,we will have a gender reveal party this time!

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