Friday, July 31, 2015

3 Months Old (Yes, I know it's a little late.)

       It really surprises me how fast time truly flies. My baby girl is already 3 months old. Plus, this post is late so she's inching even closer to 4 months.  I was telling Paul the other day that I feel I have been able to enjoy her more at this stage than I could Braeden. We think it's because it's almost second nature now, and I don't have to worry about every little thing she is doing. I can definitely tell that I am a little more relaxed with her than I was with Braeden. Things sure do change from the 1st born to the next baby. I always thought that was a bunch of poo when people said that to me. {I still think it's more along the line of, "you live and you learn," than just changing.}

       Anyway, she is babbling more and more every day. She also seems to be trying to imitate sounds that we say to her. She smiles all the time, and even laughs some now. She seems to growing and growing every single day. Actually, just out grew her bassinet attachment to her pack-n-play. It's just amazing to watch how much she's growing and learning on a daily basis. I'm so unbelievably blessed by her and her bother. Speaking of, he is totally in love with her still. He will wake up, and the first words out is his mouth are, "where's baby sista?". He has even been giving her the bottle and pacifier. I've even caught him trying to share is cup with her the other day. They're both just so cute together.

Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell 
-I smile all the time.
-I love to laugh, especially when tickled.
-I {STILL} enjoy eating all the time.
-I can sit up, supported.
-I sleep though the night {most of the time now}.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Getting down to the "Nitty Gritty": Let's talk about PostpartumDepression

           I feel this is an important topic that needs more discussing. In my personal experience, it can be hard to realize you may actually be suffering from postpartum depression. Many new moms find themselves not feeling as amazing as they think they should feel right after having their sweet baby. After all, people call babies "a bundle of joy." So why don't you feel the same about it? You know you love this child and would do anything for your baby, but you may feel your world is crashing in on you. Trust me, I know. It's call the "baby blues" which can develop into postpartum depression (ppd). There really isn't much you can do to prevent the "baby blues" or ppd, but the most important thing you can do is get a jump start on noticing the symptoms and getting the help you need. You should also know that you should not feel ashamed if you have any of the symptoms. If you think you could be dealing with ppd, contact either your OBGYN or primary care doctor.
         There is a difference between the "baby blues" and postpartum depression. I did a little research to familiarize myself with the signs and symptoms of both. The Mayo Clinic explains that the "baby blues" should only last a few days up to two weeks. The symptoms of the "baby blues" are:
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Crying
  • Decreased concentration
  • Trouble sleeping
  • All the symptoms are very common, and most women will blame it all on being a new mother. Which really if you breakdown the symptoms, that does seem like a logical explanation. {I mean seriously, "trouble sleeping?!"... As a new mom, you probably aren't sleeping because you have a newborn.} THE KEY to all this is to keep evaluating yourself and see if you are still experiencing these symptoms longer than two weeks. If you are, you may have postpartum depression. You need to speak to a doctor about any concerns you may have as soon as you can, because you do not want it to go untreated and get out of hand. The symptoms of ppd are:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Overwhelming fatigue
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Lack of joy in life
  • Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Severe mood swings
  • Difficulty bonding with your baby
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Again, I cannot reiterate it enough, if you have any of these symptoms, you need to contact your doctor about your concerns. I have dealt with this issue with both of my children. It took me longer the 1st time around to realize my anxiety levels, mood swings, and fatigue were not just simply due to a lack of sleep and being new mom. I was lucky enough that approximately two months after my first baby was born, I had to a check up with my primary care doctor. I talked to her about how I was feeling, and she explained that it was not just due to the baby, but that it was postpartum depression. I remember thinking how I should have mentioned it to someone earlier, and I wouldn't have been suffering so long. With my second baby, I was able to recognize the symptoms much sooner, and was able to get back on track quicker.

             One thing I did both times, was finding something that I loved doing before having a baby, and try to get back into it. Whether it's reading, blogging, cooking, or crafting... find a way to make yourself have a little "you time." I would either have my husband or family watch the baby for a little while, and dive into a fun hobby for while they had the baby. It really helped me each time. I love all those hobbies I mentioned above, so I would pick just one to work on at a time. Recently, I've been trying to get back into my blogging {obviously}, and my crafting. My latest creation are some coasters I made for my dad's new bar he built for his "man cave." I had such a blast making them, and my spirits were lifted to see them turn out so well. Since they turned out so great, I made sure I added them to my Etsy shop. You can actually give us an idea about a design you like, and we will try to match it up for you. Here's a link to our shop if you would like to check it out:

    All this being said, I am serious about wanting new moms to realize if you might be suffering from ppd. If you are waiting to get help because you feel bad about not feeling so glamorized by your new baby, do not make that your excuse. It is not worth suffering when you can simply get help. You doctor can prescribe you a medicine to help. After you have sought out help, you can also try the "hobby" idea I mentioned about to see if that can help lift your spirits some. You should be able to enjoy this time in your life, not feeling constant dread. I'm hopeful this post may help some moms out there realize they could be actually dealing with postpartum depression.

    Thursday, July 16, 2015

    {6 Tips} on How to get your toddler to eat

            Let me start with this... My nearly 3 year old is one of the most difficult children that I have ever met when it comes to eating. I hate to use the term "picky" in reference to him. He will usually try just about anything once. Plus, there are days he eats me nearly out of house and home. Then, there are days I'm fairly certain he has only eaten like 3 crackers and drink his "food" in cup form (aka milk).  I have a previous post about this because it's been the biggest challenge with him since he's began eating. I am always struggling trying to find a way to get him to eat. I've read numerous articles about how to get a toddler to eat food. Here's the best things I have found work for him....

    1. Offer Choices
    As we do, children also "eat with their eyes." If their plate does not look appetizing even to you, then more than likely they will not want to eat it. The best "fix" for this, give them a few things to chose to eat. The healthier the options, the better. I've use little 6 count muffin tin several times and given Braeden about 3-4 different things to eat. I, also, try to make sure most of his food options have mobility. If he can grab-and-go with his food he will usually eat a little more. {Note: Too many options may be overwhelming. I'd suggest only 4 options at the most.}
                                               Image from:

    2. Find Their Favorites
    If it seems like you are at your wits end with finding something your toddler will eat, try the "choices tip from #1" and see if you can find a few things they tend to lean towards. I always try to offer healthy options, but some of my sons favorite things to eat are not always so healthy. His favorite thing to eat is chicken, more specifically, chicken nuggets. However, I have given him turkey, carrots, celery, and broccoli so much they are some of his favorite things to eat too. If you find 1 or 2 things you child seems to gravitate toward, make sure that is included with the food options you offer; then, offer a "plus 1" new item. The key is for them so see things they like, and then venture and try some of the new things you have put there for them.

    3. Find Meals You Can Fix
    Create meals the whole family can eat together using some of their favorite foods. Example: My son loves chicken, and he seems to like broccoli pretty well. So, the other night, we all had baked chicken with broccoli for dinner. When your child sees you eating the same food they are eating, it can reassure that "if it's good enough for you,  then, it's good enough for them." Hopefully, this will prompt them to try more the food you are eating. Plus, it helps them learn to eat around normal meal times.

    4. Show them Food can be Fun
    -Become creative with their food. Cut sandwiches into interesting and familiar shapes. Point it out to them that their sandwich is shaped like Mickey Mouse or a star. It's easy to take almost any cookie cutter and apply it to their food.
    -Let them get involved with making their food. Obviously, keep them safe. However, they love to eat the food they have helped prepare. Sometimes, just letting Braeden watch me fix the food is enough for him to feel "involved."
    -Use interesting plates or containers to hold their food. Find them a special plate or table for them to use. Make their plate a big deal to them so they get excited to eat with it.
    Image from:

    5. Do Not Force It
    The last thing you want to do is make this such a traumatic issue that your child resents eating. They could grow to hate meal times and make their eating issue a problem. I do occasionally find myself asking him to eat a few more bites before he can go play. However, I do pay attention so see if he is really interested in eating at that particular time. If he seems to not really be hungry, forcing him to eat more food or finish his plate can cause negative eating habits in the future. It can lead to obesity if they grow up thinking the must always finish their plate. Additionally, there could be an underlying reason they do not want to eat their food. It could be a texture issue, and if you force them to keep eating, it could lead to them vomiting. {And no one wants to deal with vomit!}

    6. Keep it Accessible
    My little man is constantly on the go. Trying to stop him to make him eat is nearly impossible, and usually just results in him refusing to eat. The best thing I have found to do is: Let him know it is time to eat, Find a place that he can reach his food easily, and Leave it there for only about 1-2 hours. I always inform him when its lunch time or dinner time. Then, I set his food somewhere he can reach it. Usually, I place it on a table that is his level or on a couch cushion. Then, I will leave it there for him to 'grab-n-go.' Sometimes, I even find that turning on his favorite cartoon show while he is eating will help distract him while he's eating, and it usually results in him eating more than usual.

    I truly hope some of these tips really do help you. I know first hand just how stressful it can be having a toddler that seems to never really eat (or eat like you would like them to). As long as their weight is not in a concerning percentile {and trust me the Dr. will let you know it if is}, try these tips and just keep plugging along. Toddlers will typically grow out of this problem.  The fact that you are reading this article about how to get your toddler to eat better, means you are a good mother. Don't let people make you feel inadequate since your toddler does not eat as much as they feel they should. Just as most people say, it does get better.

    Friday, July 10, 2015

    Healthy Toddler Teething Biscuits

                      I've been making different biscuits, cookies, and snacks for my little man since he was about 8 months old. He started cutting his teeth around 2 or 3 months old. I'm fairly certain he was between 4-6 months when we started him on baby food. By around 8 months he could nibble on just about anything he wanted... and when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING! We always had to keep an eye on him to make sure he wouldn't get ahold of anything he should have. {Who am I kidding?! We still have to make sure he doesn't have anything he shouldn't at nearly 3 years old.} Anyways, this is one of my favorite recipes for an easy and healthy toddler snack. Best part, I usually have most, if not all, of the ingredients in my pantry at any given time. **The clickable title link below is a video from the MommyVlog YouTube channel of us making the biscuits. Oh, and it includes bloopers.**

    Healthy Toddler Teething Biscuits
    Yields about 12 biscuits

    -1 cup of Whole Wheat flour
    -1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    -1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    -1 ripe banana
    -1 snack sized container of applesauce (approx. 1/2 cup)
    -1 egg
    -1/4 cup of honey {Tip: If you oil or spray oil in your measuring cup prior to pouring the honey in, it will come out of the measuring cup much easier.}
    -2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil

    Directions: Preheat oven to 375. First, peel and smash the banana in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Next, add the applesauce and mix well. Next, add the rest of your dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, and ground cinnamon). Then, mix in the egg, honey, and oil. Stir until well blended. Roll into 1 inch ball or ovals. Bake at 375 for about 10 minutes.
    ^^^ That is how I typically roll mine out.
    ^^^ Finished product 

    Fun and Colorful Summer Salad with Avocado dressing

              Some of my best recipe inspirations come from Pinterest. The following recipes are some of those ideas that start from Pinterest, but have been adapted or changed by yours truly. If you know anything about how I tend to cook, you would know that I rarely stick to an actual recipe. At times, that makes this whole "recipe writing" difficult. I enjoy changing and trying different things in recipes. You most definitely live and learn by changing things up in a recipe. Sometimes, it's the best idea and makes everything better, and sometimes, you wish you would have actually stuck to the recipe. All that being said, I hope you enjoy these two recipes. The salad is super easy to just throw together. However, the dicing of the vegetables can be just a little time consuming... It's so worth it though. The dressing is so super easy! Plus, they're delicious!!

    Here's the recipes:

    Colorful Summer Salad
    Serving size: 8-10
    Prep time: 20 min

    -1 large romaine lettuce, chopped into bite sized pieces, rinsed and drained (you could save some time and buy a bag of  your favorite lettuce.)
    -1 orange or red bell pepper, small diced (orange recommended for color purposes)
    -1 pint of cherry or grape tomatoes, halved or quartered (depending on size)
    -1/2-3/4 bag of frozen corn, defrosted
    {Tip: if you put the corn in a strainer and run warm water over it for 2-3 minutes, it will defrost it enough for the salad.}
    -1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
    -2 chopped green onions (optional)

    Directions: In a large serving bowl add all ingredients. You can arrange it like I did in the picture for show. (It will impress guests.) Just before serving, toss all ingredients together. Serve and enjoy.

    Avocado Ranch Dressing

    -1 small container or 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt 
    -1 ripe avocado
    -2 whole cloves of garlic 
    -1/2 lime juiced or 1-2 tablespoons of lime juice
    -2 tablespoons of fresh parsley (1 T dried)
    -2 tablespoons  of fresh dill (1 T dried)
    -2 tablespoons of fresh chopped chives (1 T dried)
    -Up to 1/4 cup of milk (depends on the thickness you prefer)
    -Salt and Pepper to taste
    {Tip: switch out parsley for cilantro and add the other 1/2 of the lime juiced to make a "Southwestern" spin to the dressing}

    Directions: Add all ingredients (except milk) to a food processor or blender.  Pulse about about 1 minute. Then, slowly add the milk 1 tablespoons at a time,  until desired thickness is reached. In this particular recipe I used the cilantro version of the dressing. {Word to the wise: a little cilantro dressing goes A LONG WAY.} 

    Monday, July 6, 2015

    Simple and Soothing Oatmeal Bath Soak {Perfect for Babies!}

               I am always looking for some easy and quick projects. I was thrilled when I found this recipe for an Oatmeal Bath Soak. I've noticed it's super easy for a baby or toddler to get a heat rash. In the Summertime, they tend to get too hot and sweaty. In the Winter, they have so many layers of clothing on, they get hot and sweaty, thus resulting in heat rashes. This bath soak is the perfect thing to add to your child's bathwater and help soothe the rash. Extra plus, it's edible... My two and a half year old son loves making a game out of finding the oatmeal pieces and eating them. Not my favorite thing he does, but at least I know it's ok if he does eat it. I've attached a video from our MommyVlog YouTube channel that goes step-by-step on how to make the bath soak.


    Soothing Oatmeal Bath Soak

    -1 container of Old Fashioned oatmeal {Tip: If you grind the oats first in the blender or food processor, it can help prevent the plug from getting clogged.}
    -1 container of baking soda (regular sized)
    -1package of dried milk
    -1 Teaspoon of spearmint flavoring or 1 teaspoon of spearmint essential oil

    Directions: Pour all ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. Store in an air-tight container. {Put in a Mason Jar and give as a cute gift.}