Friday, July 31, 2015

3 Months Old (Yes, I know it's a little late.)

       It really surprises me how fast time truly flies. My baby girl is already 3 months old. Plus, this post is late so she's inching even closer to 4 months.  I was telling Paul the other day that I feel I have been able to enjoy her more at this stage than I could Braeden. We think it's because it's almost second nature now, and I don't have to worry about every little thing she is doing. I can definitely tell that I am a little more relaxed with her than I was with Braeden. Things sure do change from the 1st born to the next baby. I always thought that was a bunch of poo when people said that to me. {I still think it's more along the line of, "you live and you learn," than just changing.}

       Anyway, she is babbling more and more every day. She also seems to be trying to imitate sounds that we say to her. She smiles all the time, and even laughs some now. She seems to growing and growing every single day. Actually, just out grew her bassinet attachment to her pack-n-play. It's just amazing to watch how much she's growing and learning on a daily basis. I'm so unbelievably blessed by her and her bother. Speaking of, he is totally in love with her still. He will wake up, and the first words out is his mouth are, "where's baby sista?". He has even been giving her the bottle and pacifier. I've even caught him trying to share is cup with her the other day. They're both just so cute together.

Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell 
-I smile all the time.
-I love to laugh, especially when tickled.
-I {STILL} enjoy eating all the time.
-I can sit up, supported.
-I sleep though the night {most of the time now}.

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