Monday, December 8, 2014

So now that we know Baby # 2 is a girl...

       Yesterday,  I was laying down in bed with another migraine thinking about what this means that we are having a girl. It, then, all of a sudden hit me, we're going to have to figure out a new nursery theme, and buy all pink-girly things. If we had a boy again, I would have just reused everything. Luckily, my friend is having a boy, so all my super boy things have a place to go. I haven't been feeling like doing much of anything lately, so coming up with a new theme, new registry, figuring out baby shower dates... That's going to have to wait a little while longer... Good thing I'm only 21 weeks today! I'll tackle one thing at a time...
         We are so excited to be having a baby girl. According to everyones guesses, you all already knew we were having a girl. We had a hunch too. :) Even though we are most familiar with a little boy right now, I grew up with 2 little sisters. So, I'll be a little rusty, but make it though. Braeden keeps pointing to my belly and saying baby, then leans over and kisses it. Yeah, he can be a super sweetie. I hope it lasts once his sister gets here. the planning must being :)

                                                       Image from:

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