Thursday, June 18, 2015

My health issues and goals

       Getting down to my healthiest version of me is going to be a challenge I'm looking forward to. If you've followed along with my pregnancy journey, you'll know that it was not easy or enjoyable like some pregnancies are. I'm super thankful for my healthy baby girl. However, I'm still dealing with several of the health issues I had during my pregnancy.
        I'm still suffering from migraines and daily headaches. I finally was able to see a neurologist, and we're trying a medicine safe for me to take while breastfeeding. I've finally been having a day here and there without a headache. My biggest issue during my pregnancy was my back, neck, and arm pain. I know everyone was hoping it was due to the pregnancy and would stop on its own post-partum. Unfortunately, it has only gotten worse. There are days I can barely roll out of bed. I'm currently in physical therapy to see if they can help the issue. I have even been going to a chiropractor, and it has definitely been helping. My neurologist did some extra testing to see if it could be some nerve issues. I won't find out those results (unless they are super serious) until mid to late July.
        All that being said, my health journey isn't going to be an easy task. I have to find ways to get healthy and fit that won't irritate my current issues. One easy fix is eating healthier. I'm already 10lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight, and all I've really done is make a few better food choices. What I really want to do though, is get fit. For now, that has really taken a backseat. My goal lately is to work on getting my back, neck and arm issues resolved or under more control. The only fitness I have really been able to do is walking {and I don't do that enough}. My kids are my motivation, and I really do plan to work on this. No one said getting fit and staying fit are easy... and in my case, it's more of a challenge than I had expected.
        I look forward to the day I can look back at this post, and be proud of all that I did actually accomplish. I just keep reminding myself that I've been blessed beyond measure. #NoExcuses #OnlyResults

                                         #TBT Throw back to a few weeks ago at the beach

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