Monday, June 15, 2015

Is it possible that she's 2 months old?!?!

          It honestly only seems like yesterday that my sweet baby girl was born. It definitely does not seem like it's been 2 months!! It was rough the first month... but now, I'm getting into my groove again. Her Zantac has definitely helped with her acid reflux, colic, and she now sleeps better... Sometimes even though the night!!! At her last check up, she weighed 10lbs 13.6oz. Every time someone sees her, they always say she's so little... but she's actually bigger than Braeden was. She grew an entire 2 inches with in two weeks... She's currently 93rd percentile in height!! We'll see if that lasts... Future model maybe ;)
          Braeden seems to still be ultimately enamored with his "baby sista." He is constantly giving her kisses and telling her that he loves her. I remember being so worried about how he'd react to her once she arrived. God definitely answered my prayers. I'm so happy that he loves her so much. I'll be interested to see if that continues once she reaches the age and ability to get into his stuff.
          I know I blow up everyone's feed with pictures of my kids, but I am so in love with both of them. I remember telling Paul that I was so stressed and worried if I could honestly love another baby as much as I did Braeden. What I didn't know is that I'd be filled with DOUBLE the love. My heart is just overflowing with love for these two. I'm so thankful for that. In fact, if I'm having a bad day... a simple smile from my baby girl or my little man telling me he loves me, makes everything better.

Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell 

-I can hold my head up on my own
-I can smile
-I love to laugh now
-I {STILL} enjoy eating all the time
-I love being held, specifically on your shoulder
-I sleep though the night {most of the time now}

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