Saturday, June 20, 2015

Do you ever feel you need to take a break from technology?

       Reflecting back on our mini beach vacation, I remember making a big point to cut myself mostly off from technology-mainly social media. I didn't have too much of a problem with it. However, I did notice just how much I frequent various social media sites during my little "unplug." I did keep my phone on me most of the trip, but that was mainly because I used it for a camera.
       I feel that the best parts of our trip were the times we all just enjoyed each others company. My in-laws, husband, the children, and I all made it a point to stay off our phones as much as we could. Like I said, we definitely wanted to  document our trip and used our phones to do so {especially since all the grandparents couldn't be present on our trip}. I did notice that it took some serious strength to hold out on posting pictures until we returned home. There were even moments my husband or father-in-law would say, "make sure you post that to Facebook so 'so-and-so' can see it." I'd quickly respond by saying, "Yes, I will post it as soon as we return home." Everyone was understanding, but it's times like that it makes a person realize just how much of our lives are lived out on social media.
      I'm not saying I don't like social media... That's definitely not true since I use it every day of my life. I'm just noting that my fondest memories growing up were not necessarily the ones we have pictures of, but the moments we all shared and REMEMBER together. I want that to be a goal for me and my children. In this day and age that is not an easy task. I just want little moments, like the beach trip, for us to unplug a little and make memories together instead of worrying if we have it documented for everyone else to see. {Don't you fret.... I'll still take a ton of pictures!}
*Oh.. and trust me... I know the irony in me posting this to all my social media sites :)*

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