Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Surviving Pregnancy Heartburn

      Let me being with a brief statement.... I am not a doctor, and I do not want you to think what I say is Gold. What I will tell you is that I have been suffering with heartburn since around week 25. I had it really bad with both of my pregnancies. I tend to take the non-medication approach, if at all possible (which is not always the case). Here are a few remedies I have personally used that work, and some that I have read "work," but I have not actually tested....

Lets begin with food:

I know, being pregnant, when you read to stay away from trigger foods like spicy foods makes total sense until the only thing you are craving is that enchilada or cheese sauce from your favorite Mexican restaurant, and nothing else will suffice until you have it. SO... I say... Try to avoid trigger foods, but be prepared to suffer heartburn consequences if you do eat something that may trigger your heartburn. I've noticed, lately, with me, every thing I eat seems to be a trigger.

Some foods known to help heartburn are: (I have read that for some people, they still trigger heartburn)

-Sweet Potato
-Dijon Mustard (the vinegar used to make it is what actually works)

Personally, I have tried the apples. They work immediately, but very temporary- 30 mins of relief tops. I've tried the bananas, but I haven't noticed much of a difference. Nor,ally, I feel that pineapple causes me heartburn rather than relive it. Ginger is great to relive upset stomach, as well as

Some odd ball relief strategies:

-Baking Soda
        It will not taste amazing, but it will help. All you need:
        1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed into 1 glass of water. Drink and be merry. The
         soda neutralizes the acid in the stomach.
                                                      Image from: www.healthyfoodhouse.com
-Aloe Juice
       Just as we use aloe to soothe burns, it can also be used to soothe heartburn. All you need:
       1/2 cup of aloe juice. *warning: it can act as a laxative, so be aware of that before drinking*
                                                 Image from: www.organicaloevera.com
-Apple Cider Vinegar
       The whole concept of acid to fight acid seems crazy, but many people swear by this technique.
        All you need: 3 teaspoons - 1 tablespoon of Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 6-8
        oz of water.
                                                            Image from: www.iherb.com
-Chamomile Tea
        Supposedly the best time for this strategy is to have a cup of tea about 1/2-1 hour prior to bed. It
        will help relax you and reduce inflammation caused by the heartburn
                                                            Image from: bryanallain.com
-Chew Gum
         I was skeptical at first. I read it's best to chew gum for 30 minutes after a meal. The chewing
         motion created increases your saliva and rids your body of the acid that causes heartburn. This
         has become my favorite treatment that I have found. I, personally, buy Trident Sugar-Free
         Spearmint gum. Plus, it keeps your breath fresh after meals :)
Image from: nyulocal.com
Some medicinal relief:
       This is the first form of "medicine" relief I reach for when nothing else seems to help. It usually
       will start relieving heartburn within seconds, but I find only lasts a few minutes IF my heartburn
       is really bad at that particular moment. Plus, it's a great source of calcium.


Image from: www.soap.com
        If all else fails, I will use zantac. It is ok'd for pregnant women to take. I try to only use to only
        use the regular strength (75mg), but lately, that has not been cutting it. I only find relief if I use
        the maximum strength (150 mg). I also like the ones that have the outer mint coating to cool my
        BURNING throat as soon as I take it. (I normally will buy store brand over the name brand to
        save $$)


-Pepcid Ac
        I have never taken this medicine for heartburn relief. I do not know how well it works. I do
        know it tends to be on the list of pregnancy approved medicine.


Image from: www.drug3k.com

Now, I do know there are other over-the-counter pregnancy approved heartburn medications, but several of those seems to work only if you take them on a regular basis.

My goal is to give you pregnant moms out there find some ideas and ways to relieve your heartburn. I hope these remedies help you the way they have helped me. I hope you find some relief... I know how much it sucks having a constant burning feeling in the back of your throat. Remember, please call your doctor, if you have any questions or concerns about taking a medicine or the severity of your heartburn.

Information resource for some of the post: http://everydayroots.com/heartburn-remedies

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