Monday, March 30, 2015

37 weeks! Full Term!

      I am beyond thankful to have made it to this point. I am currently 37 weeks. I have finally reached full term. Baby girl can come any time she would like now. Update on baby: All my apps say she's the size of a winter melon (19-22 in and 6.5 lbs). Well, last week I had my ultrasound to measure her... She had her legs crossed (Daddy said "good girl, keep that up") which means we were not able to re-confirm the sex. Even if she she were to come out a he, it will be a wonderful blessing we will take in stride. She is head down, and they said she's currently around 7.9lbs. If that's accurate, she's already bigger than her big brother was when he was born. 
     I can definitely feel that she's bigger. Plus, my stomach seems much bigger this time. It looks to have lowered too. I've reached that point where I'm uncomfortably pregnant. People ask me how I feel, and my best answer is "ok," but that's usually stretching the truth. Pregnancy is one of the most amazing things God blesses us with, but it's also the most painful thing our bodies usually go though (and most of the time we are so willing to do it). 
      Big brother seems to be excited about her arrival. He loves to look at all of  "baby sista's" stuff. We are trying our best to make sure he understands the concept of his impending sibling. I'm not for sure if there is a to fully prepare him to understand at his age, but from the conversations we've had, I think he's going to be a wonderful big brother. 
         We are still in the process of trying to make sure we have everything ready before she makes her big arrival. We are working on getting the house cleaned and ready. Hospital bag is packed and on stand by. I feel like this time around, it's been much more of a "laid back" experience so far. We have an idea of what's necessary to stress about and what isn't worth the stress. Unless she decides to arrive earlier (which is totally fine at this point), my doctor plans to induce me on Monday, April 13th because she is already measuring a few weeks bigger than she should. 
      One thing I know for certain, ALL of her family is looking forward to her arrival! I can't to meet my baby girl!

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