Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homemade Play Dough (edible)

     I'm convinced my son believes we can totally live outside forever. He wakes up in the morning and requests to go play outside. Since I'm currently 9 months pregnant, chasing after him is a task. So, I've been challenged to find things to do outside to keep him entertained (and more importantly, keep him in one spot). A few days ago, I posted about making edible paint for toddlers. Well, since you never know what a toddler my try to put in their mouth, I wanted to find an edible play dough recipe. There are plenty out there. One thing I noticed though, most of them call for cream of tartar.... An ingredient I rarely keep around. So, I had to find one that would work without that ingredient.  We had just as much fun making it as we did playing with it. Here's the recipe:

4 cups of flour (I used AP)
1 cup of salt (I used regular table salt)
1 cup of hot water
2 T (tablespoons) of oil (regular vegetable oil is fine)
Food Coloring

*some recipes call for flavoring too, but I feel that's just asking for the toddler to eat it*

In a big seperate bowl stir together the flour and salt. In a cup measurer, put the water in the microwave for 2 minutes (it will be boiling hot, so keep it away from the children until the flour has been mixed in). Add the 2 tablespoons of oil into the hot water. I grabbed 4 seperate bowls (you can do how ever many you want depending on how many colors you want). I poured the water and oil in even amounts into each bowl (1/4 cup in each bowl). Then, I added about 3-4 drop of food coloring into each bowl (amount of coloring depends on how bright you want the dough). Then, I  took a cup measurer and evenly divided the flour and salt mixture into each bowl (about 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups per bowl). I used plastic knives (for easy clean up) and mixed each bowl. If any seem too dry, add a little more hot water. If any seem too wet/sticky, add some more flour until the right consistency. (Best way to describe the right consistency... is when it feels like the play dough you buy in the store). 
      I only gave him about 1/2 of  each color we made to play with today. Then, the rest, I stored in plastic bags to keep them fresh. 

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