Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My how things change with 2 children

       Well, I knew things would be different when my daughter was born, but I never imagined how much would change.
        For starters... I forgot just how much sleep you lose with a newborn! {I'm not certain that I'm fully awake writing this post.} When my son was born, he would sleep 4-5 hours at a time.... I've had nights with my princess that I've literally been up every.single.hour feeding her. Since I'm nursing, it's on me at night to keep the princess happy. She eats, no kidding, 10 times more than my son did. It's taking every ounce of energy I have to just keep up with her milk demand. We have finally started to introduce the bottle (I'm using Tommie Tippee bottles) mainly because I needed a break to sleep some. One big positive I love about starting to add bottles to the mix, is that my toddler now can help feed baby sister some.
       Speaking of big brother.... At first, he was not certain if he liked her or not. I think the fact that mommy and daddy had been away for an entire day, he was not thrilled that she was the reason (and we ended up having a 48 hr stay at the hospital). Now, that she's been home for nearly a month now, {is it really almost a month?!} he's definitely grown more fond of her. He loves to hold her... until she starts crying. I've caught him holding her hand in the car while she sleep {yes, it's as sweet as it sounds}. He asks to help change her, so I let him pick out her diapers for me. Like I said earlier, he loves to hold her bottle when we do give one to her. One night, she was fussing in the car while we were packing everything up to leave my parents house, and before my husband or I could get the bottle to her, big brother had grabbed it and put it in her mouth. We quickly took over, but it was such a sweet gesture. He even tries to console her when she cries, or if one of us have her, he will ask us what's going on... Like as if we aren't doing everything to make the princess happy.... I do believe she already has her big brother wrapped around her finger!
       Trying to keep up with both of them, with or without help, has been such a struggle. Big brother has been a little more temperamental than usual. One, I think it's his terrible two's... Two, I think he is finding that any attention, good or bad, is attention (my mom pointed that out to me the other day)... Three, He's super energetic too, and too smart for his own good.... Boredom strikes and he MUST find something to do... it's not usually something good that he gets into. It always seems to be while I'm either in the middle of nursing the princess or pumping for her. That's when he can get out of my line of sight. Before her, he was never able to get into so much because I could keep up with him... Now, I find myself praying he's just not into anything that will harm him or make a huge mess until I can get to him (not exaggerating). The sleeping and eating habits of the princess are enough to have any mom, new or experienced, to be utterly worn out. The second I see either of them smile, it makes my day better.
       I have fully decided... IF I have more children, I want the princess to at least be 3 or 4 years old before another baby. {That's a BIG if}.... I have been totally blessed with two wonderful, healthy children... and one of each gender. It really is perfect, in that sense. However, it's been hard work thus far. I was not certain if I could love another child as much as I love my toddler.... My heart just explodes with love now. I'm one lucky and blessed momma!

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