Thursday, April 30, 2015

Breaks... There are no true breaks when you're a mother

     I'm blessed to have a husband that can occasionally take my toddler with him to work (perks of a family owned business). Having the day with only the newborn was a much needed "break." I was actually able to sleep when baby sleeps (at least for a much needed 2 hour nap). 
      I have also been blessed with a family situation where I can go over to my parents house pretty much any day and get some semblance of a "break" there too. Since I'm nursing and don't like using a bottle very much right now, I can't be too far for too long from my newborn. I know my situation is very lucky. I know many new moms, whether first time or not, don't have the kind of help I do. I definitely suggest... If you are a new mother, take all the help and free meals people offer. You do need and deserve a "break" no matter how little of one it may be. 
       Even though your "break" may be something as simple as getting a shower to yourself... Take it and enjoy it. Remember, motherhood is the best and most rewarding thing that can happen to you, but it is also the most difficult thing you will face. It gets easier, it's just a matter of finding your groove and learning from your experiences. I love being a mom. I remember wondering while I was pregnant with my second child if there was any way possible I could love another child as much as I love my son... The answer is yes absolutely! I feel like I love them both more than I could ever imagine. I feel  like my heart is just over flowing with love for them.
       This year my birthday actually falls on Mother's Day (so fitting for me). When my husband and family started asking what I wanted for my birthday, I didn't have an answer. Honestly, it's because I already have the best 2 gifts in the world... Beautiful, healthy, and happy children. 

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