Saturday, May 16, 2015

The 1st Month

       It does not even seem possible that my baby girl is already a month old. It's been quite the exhausting journey. I just keep reminding myself of how much I miss Braeden being so little and want to enjoy each and every moment {no matter how hard it is}. 
       First, we had to get over the hump called jaundice. Both of my children had jaundice, so I knew the drill. That doesn't make it any easier. As a mother, you naturally worry about the wellbeing of your children, and all you ever want is for them to be healthy and happy. All the foot pricks do not keep them happy. You want to return the favor to the person hurting your baby, even if it's for a good cause. Finally, a week postpartum, the jaundice levels were lowering instead of raising.
       Having to get used to her feeding habits really have been a struggle this time around. Unlike Braeden, she wants to eat all the time. {Like every hour} Luckily, my milk supply came in fast and plenty. I never had a freezer supply with Braeden, but this time, I'm running out of room in my freezer. 
       Unfortunately, within the past week she seems to have developed colic and maybe even acid reflux. {We go to the Dr. next week to discuss her symptoms}. Due to all her nightly pain, I'm extremely sleep deprived. So, I can't guarantee I'll make sense. 
      What I do know is this... She has grown so much so fast. Time is flying by, and I know I'm going to miss all this. No matter how tired or hard it seems, it's totally worth it. I'm so blessed with my wonderful little family. 
~Mommy loves you so much sweet little girl!~
Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell 

-I can lift my head up
-I enjoy belly time
-I can roll to my side 
-I enjoy eating all the time
-I love being held

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