Sunday, August 23, 2015

{Update on my Fitness Journey} : I open up about my day-to-day struggles

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       I have been fairly honest with how much pain I experienced during my pregnancy with my daughter. We all hoped  the pain issues were only due to being pregnant. Unfortunately, the issues have only gotten worse during the past 4 postpartum months. It has really caused a major hit to my postpartum fitness plans. I had truly hoped I would be much further along on my fitness journey by now. It's very disheartening to essentially "live and die" by your calendar of all the various doctor's appointments I have on a regular basis. I always thought this lifestyle would only happen to me once I was much much older {if at all}. On any given week, I will probably see at least 2 different doctor's {if not more}. 
        So far, we have found that I already have arthritis in my spine. The most recent discovery, my neurologist found was that I have neuropathy in my arms and legs. The Mayo Clinic defines Neuropathy as: disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness. This discovery explained why I am definitely having many of my problems. I constantly feel a burning sensation, like as if your are or leg fell asleep and is just starting to wake up {that burning needle sensation}.  It causes much pain and weakness. This is a constant thing, not just an 'every-so-often' feeling. {Yeah, It sucks.} I tell family and close friends how much I hate being only 26 years old with a body that acts like I am 70 years old. My neurologist has already ran many tests to try to find out what is cause the neuropathy. I have not been told any results yet. Next week, I have to go get a skin biopsy done to see if my neuropathy is due to thick veins. If that is the cause, he said it should be a relatively easy fix by taking a particular medication that helps with this issue. Honestly, I really hope they can find what is causing the issue, so I can get back to "normal."
        All this being said, I have been in physical therapy for the past 3 months working on various strengthening exercises. My physical therapist thinks it could help relieve some of the pain. Every day, I see all these wonderful workout plans to get you into better shape. I only wish I could do some of these "get fit quick" workouts. Since I can barely write or type most days, these workouts would be practically impossible for me to complete. So, with the help for my wonderful husband, we are working on compiling some exercises and a fitness program for people with health issues like me {mainly the ones my physical therapist has deemed safe enough for me to do}. 
        I truly, truly hope that one day I can look back on all this, and be so proud to see just how successful this new workout regime has been. I will be working on compiling more and more information and examples of these exercises for all of you. I just felt that this is a great way to not only inform all of you about what's going on with me, but also let you know what I have in the works. I am so thankful and blessed to have such a wonderful support system around me. I couldn't deal with all this without all of you! I look forward to sharing and working on furthering my fitness journey.  I don't want this to become a pity party, I want to let you all know that I am hopeful that I can fulfill my wish to help others from my personal struggles.

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