Monday, August 17, 2015

4 months and growing strong...

      Kathryn just keeps growing... which is obviously wonderful and exactly what we want her to do. However, I feel like time has flown by. Seriously, she's already 4 months old! She's get more and more fun every day. Of course, I love cuddling and taking care of a little newborn, but watching her become more and more independent is astonishing. She smiles and laughs all the time now. She's able to roll over, which means we have to watch her like a hawk when she's laying down any where. When she is doing "belly time," she can scoot across the floor in an almost crawling way. She gets so frustrated that she cannot totally sit up on her own yet. {It's so cute watching her try so hard, and then, seeing how mad at herself she becomes that she cannot do it just yet.} She would still be considered a "supported sitter," but she's definitely becoming more and more of an independent sitter every single day. Not only is carrying a baby and delivering such a miracle, but watching the baby go from totally dependent on those around them, to becoming an more independent little human, is also just as amazing!
       She had her 4 month check up last week at the doctor's office. She is growing like a weed. She's in the 75th percentile in height for her age group. {Seems like her and Braeden will be surpassing their mommy in height.} Her head circumference is right on mark at the 55th percentile. The only downer, is that her weight went from 46th percentile at 2 months old, down to 9th percentile. When the doctor came in to talk to me about the weight issue, she threw me for a loop. I noticed Kathryn seemed to be having more spit up episodes lately, and I had planned on talking to them about that. Well apparently, her acid reflux must be so bad lately that she is not able to keep her calories she needs to gain weight and keep the nutrition needed. So, we are going to try her on the baby version of Prilosec in the morning and upping her Zantac at night. We hope this will get her acid reflux and spitting up under control. Other than the acid reflux, she's healthy as an ox. I'm so thankful  and blessed to have two healthy children.

Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell

-I smile and laugh all the time.
-I am trying to sit up on my own.
-I can now roll over.
-I sleep though the night.
-I can lay on my belly and scoot across the floor.

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