Monday, August 17, 2015

If you truly are what you eat... Then, I am a Sweet Shop...

       It's no secret that I am trying to eat healthier, and get into better shape than I currently am in. I would say that I do not eat super unhealthy {as you can see by most of my other recipe posts}. However, I do have a super weakness for sweets. I could "eat clean" all day, but if you put a cupcake in front of me... IT WILL GET EATEN. Clearly, it has not gotten totally out of control, just yet. Most of the time, if I am having a huge sweets craving, I will have a few pieces of a Hershey's Dark Chocolate and Almond bar. Which isn't really all that unhealthy if you look into the health benefits of dark chocolate. I've tried holding out on having any desserts until the weekend and just have "cheat days." Well, what normally happens is that I make up an excuse. An example of one of my MANY excuses is: "Well, It's Thursday. It's almost the weekend. I can have just 1 {or 2 or 3} cookie(s)." So, my newest goal for my health journey is to cut back on my sweets, and if I get to really craving something sweet, I will find a healthier alternative.
     I do want to make sure I state that I am not actually dieting to lose weight. I am trying to change what my "ideal" eating lifestyle is {Cake, cookies, and sweets}, to more healthier eating habits. I know {as pretty much everyone else knows}... Just changing what you eat, and not doing more, like some kind of exercise, will only allow for limited results.  I do have an ultimate goal to change to a more healthy lifestyle altogether. For now, I'm just pleased with the baby steps I've taken so far. Due to my many unfortunate health issues, it will be very small baby steps. I will get there, eventually.

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