Friday, February 27, 2015

Baby Update... Week 32 (almost 33)

      As you all know by now, this has not been a smooth pregnancy for me. In fact, at this point... April 20th can't come soon enough (but I definitely want the baby to wait until then to come). I feel sorry for my husband, family, and friends that have to listen to me complain all the time. I have to bargain the hubbs to type out any posts here lately because I am still having awful arm, neck, and back pain. It seems to only get worse the more and more pregnant I become. Thankfully, my physical therapist thinks some of the pain should ease off after delivery (again, looking forward to April 20). However, the PT and my primary care doctor both think there may be an underlying cause for my arm pain that has been probably irritated by pregnancy. I am still having asthma issues, as well. My OB said that the bigger the baby gets, the harder it can become to breathe. I'm essentially what people call a "HOT MESS".... and everyone around me can vouch for the "hot" part of that.... I seem to always be hot... even when it's 30 degrees outside. --Not kidding. I had the window cracked in the car today because the sun was beating in on me making me sweat, but it was only 32 degrees outside at the time.
        Actual baby update information... Most of my apps say the baby should be around 3-4 pounds by now and around 17-19 inches long. I have not had my last ultrasound to confirm any of that just yet, but from the kicks and punches I constantly feel, I can believe that. The baby should be practicing her breathing and sucking by now. She can suck her thumb now... how sweet! I had an OB appointment earlier in the week, and the doctor said that I measure exactly where I should be (at 32 weeks). He listened to her heartbeat and had to move the stick like 3 times because she is so active. He even made a comment that she must be really active. He, also, noted that the heart sounds great. Every thing looks great on the OB side. He said I've only gained about 9 lbs overall, and he didn't sound to thrilled about that. However, he understands that I ended up losing about 10-15 in my first trimester because my nausea and morning sickness was so bad. OH, and speaking of that, I'm only of the lucky few moms-to-be that the nausea has returned for me in the 3rd trimester. Thankfully, he said I can start taking my nausea medicine again to help alleviate it. I have definitely been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions this time around. With my first pregnancy, I didn't know what a contraction felt like until I was in active labor. Now, that I'm a little more experienced, I can tell when I am having those now. They seem to become more frequent the more pregnant I become, but they are not constant and always infrequent enough not to cause me concern just yet.
        I've got to say, I am so happy to know that everything seems wonderful on the OB side of things. I do wish I haven't had such a troubling pregnancy with all the other stuff that has surrounded it. However, I wouldn't change it for the world. I cannot wait to meet our baby girl! I am so blessed to actually be pregnant and made it this far even with all the other problems surrounding this pregnancy. Any time I find myself complaining too much about being pregnant, I make sure I take a step back and remember that day when I was 11 weeks thinking the worse was about to happen. I am truly blessed in so many ways.
       Update on Big Bro... He seems to be understanding a little better now and seems to be getting excited. However, I know he won't totally understand until she's here (and stays here). I've heard so many stories about siblings asking about when will we take the baby back to the hospital, and I will not be shocked if I have that conversation at some point with him. I just truly hope he really really loves "his fishy" as much as he says he does now. He love to feel her move and kisses my stomach all the time. He will even tell us he loves baby sister.

       I am thoroughly looking forward to this new journey in my life that God has blessed me with.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#LifeOfAMommy.... The Adventures of Parenthood

      There is no possible way to totally prepare yourself for parenthood. No amount of baby sitting or sibling watching compares. I find myself constantly saying (either to myself or out loud)... #LifeOfAMommy. I know in our society today, the phrase "hash tag" has become a fairly normal saying. Back before social media... I know mom's still said "Well, that's the life of a mommy" when reflecting on the crazy things we end up doing with and for our children. I, also, constantly see my parents (and my husband's parents) giggling at  the seemingly crazy things I tell them I had to do that day--They've been there before, and now they are having a blast watching us deal with it.

Here's just a few examples of what I'm talking about.... Things there is no possible way to prepare for until you are right in the middle of it. (WARNING: It's not all glorious-There are poop stories.)

The other night, we had just gotten the toddler into the bath tub. He was playing great, and I was able to get his hair shampooed (not rinsed). He started, as he calls it, "pooting" in the water. He thought it was HILARIOUS. Then, he said the dreaded words... "Uh Oh..." I knew what that had to mean. Since he's a big bubble bath lover, I had to push back the bubbles to confirm my suspicion. There was a tiny little poo ball. Grabbed the kid, soapy and all, out of the tub,  pulled the plug, and proceeded to clean out the bath tub. Then, after explaining to him that it is not ok to do that in the tub, I refilled the water and finished his bath without further incident.

This morning, I had to get up at 8 am to see if I could make it to my doctor's appointment at 9:30. Due to the snow and ice, I determined there was no way I would chance getting out in the weather. After calling to reschedule my appointment, I crawled back into bed and prepared to fall back to sleep, while cuddling my "lil man." I, first, rolled over and poked my husband on the arm to tell him it was currently snowing outside.... That must have been the MAGIC WORDS! The toddler's eyes popped open and he immediately started asking to go outside and play in the snow.... AT 8 AM! I was able to negotiate a postponement because we had to get up and get ready to play in the snow. He was fine with that for about 2 hours. Then, I had to legitimately get ready and go outside with him.... I was happy that I succeeded in postponing the play session to 10 am. -- Now, I know how our parents felt.... Sorry!

We are in the process of potty training. (Something no one can prepare you for.) He is doing great with it. He's reached the point which if anything accidentally ends up in his pull-up, it must be taken off immediately (unless he's playing and can ignore it for a while). He did not tell me that he had used the bathroom in his diaper, nor did he tell me he had taken it off. I was in the living room, and noticed he was very quiet to be playing in his room. I jumped up, walked into his room, and saw that he tried to switch out diapers.... In the process, there was poop everywhere!!! (Cue horror music) I grabbed him and put him in the tub to rinse him off, cleaned up the diaper that hadn't made it to the trash can yet, picked up all the poo I could find, and finally, mopped the floor from where he tracked it all. I have a feeling, this won't be the last time I have to deal with an episode like this. (Especially, since there's another baby on the way.) *I have also already dealt with poo in the undies he's wearing... That particular pair became so weighted down, it all started falling out as he was walking to the changing table.*

Last week, the whole family ran though a sickness. I did take "lil man" to the doctor just to make sure it wasn't anything serious like the flu. The doctor said it seems to be allergies, and prescribed him a daily allergy medicine. That night, we were sleeping, and he rolls over and tells me he needs tea- It's 3 am! I don't want to give him tea at this time of night.... And for that matter, it's his grandparents that always have tea made, not me. I rarely have any pre-made. So what did I do? I got up and made him some DECAF tea. He insisted, I sit up with him and watch cartoons while he drank his tea. What did I do? Went along with it... Not only was he feeling bad, but I was really too tired to argue at this point. After his "spot of tea," I talked him into drinking water instead. Finally, about an hour later, he was ready to lay back down in bed... but not ready to sleep. That was probably another 30-45 minutes of him tossing and turning. Once your little one sleeps though the night regularly, it seems to take a harder toll on your body when you have to get up in the middle of the night with them. I felt more tired that next day, than I ever remember feeling when he was a newborn. (I know I'll eat those words in 2 months when our baby girl arrives.)

Every one talks about how demanding newborns are because of all their needs (I 100% agree)...However, I'm starting to realize, It never changes... the demands just change (I'm not talking about just the basic ones like: food, sleep, shelter)... but they become different or more complex demands.                            
       I was getting my coffee the other morning, and briefly made the mistake in mentioning we would be going over to Mimi's house later that day. His ears only heard, we're going to Mimi's house! I sat down and started to drink my coffee while choosing which favorite cartoon of his  I wanted for the 1000th time. He walked over to me, grabbed my hand. I knew he wanted me up to follow him some where. So, I did... He walked me into my bedroom pointed at my clothes, and said "Get Ready!" I was a little startled a how blunt his demand was, but amused that he already knows my "we'll leave when we get ready" trick. He meant business that day. Going to Mimi's home was nothing to take lightly apparently.

With all this being said... I absolutely love being a mother. I wouldn't change it for the world. I find it to be the most rewarding, challenging, and enjoyable thing I've ever done. Even the moments that aren't so glorious (like cleaning poo out of the tub), I often look back and laugh because it's #LifeOfAMommy!! (Oh, and you may get more of these adventures posted on here :) )

                                          Here's a picture of our morning snow adventure.