Saturday, September 27, 2014

The adventure of finding out about my 2nd Pregnancy

     Well, the day after my 4th wedding anniversary, I started feeling very pregnant. I had to run out to the grocery store that day anyway, so I bought a test. The results were very UNCLEAR. I could barely see 2 lines. I showed my husband that night when he got home from work in the form of a late  anniversary card. He was fist shocked, and second, questioned the validity of the test. I, too, was not 100% sure if I was pregnant or not. Over  the years, I've really tried to get "in tuned" with my body. At the time, it was definitely saying I was pregnant.
      Two days later, I was only one day away from starting my period, and my husband wanted me to take the second test in the box. It was definitely CLEAR on the results that I was pregnant, AGAIN! That day, almost exploding with excitement, we decided to tell our families only.
       We knew the risk we were taking telling them so early, but we knew if there were problems with the pregnancy that we would need them for support. Everyone was overjoyed, but my younger sisters (I'm the oldest of 3 girls in my family) were ecstatic and talked my mom into going and buying me an electronic pregnancy test to see just how far along I actually was. There was a brief moment of fear that the test would say I wasn't pregnant, and we had already announced it. It immediately said I was pregnant, and in a few minutes said I was 1-2 weeks pregnant-which in the Dr. world meant I was 4 weeks.
     Oddly, I could remember the exact day I had last started my period, so I immediately downloaded about 3 pregnancy apps to see what my due date would be. I had to laugh when it said my due date was April 20, 2015.... Seriously, 4-20. My husband and I have never done any kind of drugs, but we know about the stigma of that day. That week, I called my general practitioner to confirm my pregnancy with them. The doctor came in the room, and immediately said the test shows your pregnant. My previous OB no longer accepts my insurance, and I had my general practitioner refer me to an OB that delivers at the hospital I  requested. Four weeks later, I had my first appointment with my OB. He confirmed that I measure exactly where I thought I was, and my due date is definitely April 20. A few weeks after my first appointment with my new OB, my husband went out on a whim and called my old OB's office. They told him they did actually accept my insurance, and I gladly set up my next appointment with him. I'm so happy to be back with my other OB.
      We are thoroughly excited about welcoming another addition to our family next spring... I'm excited about not being pregnant during the summer like I was with my first pregnancy. Below are the pictures, in order, of the tests I took.

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