Thursday, April 30, 2015

Breaks... There are no true breaks when you're a mother

     I'm blessed to have a husband that can occasionally take my toddler with him to work (perks of a family owned business). Having the day with only the newborn was a much needed "break." I was actually able to sleep when baby sleeps (at least for a much needed 2 hour nap). 
      I have also been blessed with a family situation where I can go over to my parents house pretty much any day and get some semblance of a "break" there too. Since I'm nursing and don't like using a bottle very much right now, I can't be too far for too long from my newborn. I know my situation is very lucky. I know many new moms, whether first time or not, don't have the kind of help I do. I definitely suggest... If you are a new mother, take all the help and free meals people offer. You do need and deserve a "break" no matter how little of one it may be. 
       Even though your "break" may be something as simple as getting a shower to yourself... Take it and enjoy it. Remember, motherhood is the best and most rewarding thing that can happen to you, but it is also the most difficult thing you will face. It gets easier, it's just a matter of finding your groove and learning from your experiences. I love being a mom. I remember wondering while I was pregnant with my second child if there was any way possible I could love another child as much as I love my son... The answer is yes absolutely! I feel like I love them both more than I could ever imagine. I feel  like my heart is just over flowing with love for them.
       This year my birthday actually falls on Mother's Day (so fitting for me). When my husband and family started asking what I wanted for my birthday, I didn't have an answer. Honestly, it's because I already have the best 2 gifts in the world... Beautiful, healthy, and happy children. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Post Pregnancy Fitness Goals

       Since I am currently only 2 weeks post partum, I have not started a strenuous exercise or fitness plan. My OB  put a 6 week post partum lifting restriction of no more than baby plus carrier. From what I've read, that's pretty typical. Due to that, I am trying to keep to that rule. However, you all know that
I do have a 2 1/2 year old toddler complicating that. All in all, thanks to the help of my husband and family, I have been able to mostly stick to only letting him climb in my lap to be held. 
       All that being said, I have been inspired and motivated, mostly by my beautiful children, to work at becoming the healthiest version of me. Unfortunately, I am still having some medical issues. I am still having back and neck pain, along with terrible and constant migraines. I know this will complicate things a little for me on this journey. 
        So far... I am below my pre-pregnancy weight. The only thing I have done, thus far, is wear a post-partum corset to help get my uterus back into shape and breastfeed. The corset does seem to make my stomach appear flatter not only while wearing it, but also when I remove it. Breastfeeding is not only one of the best things you can do for your baby, but it burns a ton of calories (major positive!). 
       I am going to include a picture of me showing pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and where I am currently post-partum. The pre-pregnancy picture was taken about 1 month prior to conceiving my daughter. The post-partum picture was taken today. I'm 2 weeks and 2 days pp. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

We're a family of 4 now!

      On April 13, 2015 at 12:52pm, we welcomed Baby Kathryn Elizabeth Campbell into this world. She weighed 8lbs 3oz (almost a pound heavier than Braeden when he was born). She was 20 inches long. We are so excited (and extremely tired). Braeden seems to love her more everyday... He wasn't so for sure at first. Once we can get on a better routine and things settle down, I plan to post in more detail about labor, post partum, and life with another child. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Last Day as a parent to 1: Synopsis of my pregnancy

     My pregnancy is drawing to a close tonight at Midnight (technically Monday). My OB and I discussed my options about 3 weeks ago, and we both concluded an induction may be best. Of course we both knew there was a chance lil bit could come before I reached 39 weeks, but we decided we'd go ahead and plan on this. The main reason for my induction this time is due to the fact she measures about 2 weeks larger than she should. She's definitely going to be larger than my little man when he was born. I was induced with him too, but only because he didn't want me to go past my due date.
     This pregnancy has been so much different than my first one was. I did not have a single problem (out of the ordinary nausea and fatigue). At 11 weeks I had spotting, but apparently it was the way the placenta attached to my uterus. My OB said everything is normal and that is something that is fairly normal too. This time, I have had nausea almost the entire pregnancy, which typically only happens to about 10 percent of pregnant women. I had terrible  back, neck, and arm pain. So bad, that I was unable to work past 20 weeks and my sweet husband has had to pick up slack on housework (and typing my blogs). I've also suffered from migraines this entire pregnancy. Luckily, my OB was able to prescribe me a pregnancy safe migraine medicine because only Tylenol did not cut it. The migraines have hit an all time high in my last trimester causing me to lose vision and have numbness in my face and arms- every.single.time I got one. I know close family and friends are probably over  hearing me complain, but I have tried to keep a positive attitude this whole time (I'm not saying I've fully succeeded). Pregnancy is such an amazing miracle. 
      Since I am becoming a second time mom (STM), my husband and I have made it our goal to help our toddler understand he's about to gain a sibling. He is currently 2 1/2 years old. We know based on our conversations that he understands that baby sister is coming, but I'm fairly certain he does not totally grasp the concept yet. He loves to look though her stuff with us and talk about getting her things. So I am interested to see if he still likes her after a week. I know he will be a good big brother and helper, but I'm already prepared for a conversation about when are we taking her back. We did see an idea about presenting the big sibling with a gift from the younger sibling when they come to the hospital to meet their new sibling. We do have a gift packed and ready to go in the vehicle. (We got him a puzzle, finger paint, some candy, shirt that says he's the "world's coolest brother," and some sidewalk paint.) I know with a toddler there's really no way to fully have him understand until she arrives. Our goal is to mainly make it fun and exciting that he has a new baby sister. 
       Today, my ultimate goal is to run though all my check lists and make sure I have everything I need, and I hope to relax and rest as much as possible today. I will need to be on my game tomorrow. While I look forward to no longer being pregnant, I know what lies ahead of me with a newborn. What I don't know exactly, is how other dynamics will change having 2 children to care for. I know I'm a very lucky woman to have wonderful support from my husband, family, and friends... But it will be interesting to see just how life is about to change for us. To say I'm not a little nervous about all of it would be a lie. However, I do look forward to it too. Tomorrow, at some point, I will officially be a mother of 2 children. I will litter your news feeds with pictures, so just be prepared.